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View Full Version : Absence of error.exe

2011-06-01, 06:27
There will be a few days in the next few months where I will be away completely or allot less active.
My girl is coming over for 3 months from June till the end of August so she will require allot more attention than she has gotten so far.

The first few days will be 14, 15 & 16th of June. These days I will not play battlefield, but I will stay active on the forums.
From June 27th till July 15th I will be on holiday with her in Greece. And I am leaving my laptop at home.
From August 17th till August 24th I will be in Paris. And again I am leaving my laptop at home.

As you can imagine the complete 3 months will be a cut in my activity. But ill make sure to stay active on the forums and to pop into TS once in a while. My girlfriend likes casual gaming, but if im going hardcore like I used to do she will spank the crap out of my ass.

Thanks for your understanding.


EDIT: 3days got added to my Greek vacation. I also added a long weekend in Paris.

2011-06-01, 06:39
show us a sexy pic of your girlfriend before we grant approval テつ*:twisted:

2011-06-01, 10:04
show us a sexy pic of your girlfriend before we grant approval ツ*:twisted:

You realy want to see a sexy pic of your mom? Perv!

2011-06-01, 10:22
You will miss my super sweet 17 8O テつ*Have fun and see you around

2011-06-01, 10:37
If there aint pictures, it aint happend

2011-06-01, 11:14
Thanks for the heads up error.exe. Im sure she's hot, wait why am I sure?

2011-06-01, 12:48
Thanks for the heads up error.exe. Im sure she's hot, wait why am I sure?

because it's my mom:p

2011-06-01, 15:19
Thanks for the heads up error.exe. Im sure she's hot, wait why am I sure?

because it's my mom:p

8) nice comeback!

Ill post a pic of me and her when I become a full member of OG. hehe テつ*:wink:

2011-06-01, 16:21
ohh this smells blackmail

2011-06-02, 16:37
Its nothing like blackmail テつ*:lol: you should see it as erm.. more like a extra reward. A bonus.
You should compare me with a piece of applepie.. that you can only eat when I become a member.
But ontop of that applepie you now also get whipped cream! テつ*:mrgreen:

2011-06-02, 19:33
I didn't know blow up dolls travelled テつ*:roll:

Sorry someone had to say it ;)

hehe have fun ^_^

2011-06-16, 10:41
Alright, first few days were absolutely amazing!
Had a great time "catching up" with my girl. Went to see a few museums and took her out for dinner.
Now settling in and trying to get my daily routine back up again. :)

Thanks for all the support anyhow.
See you guys in a few days!

2011-06-16, 11:25
still no sexy pics here i see :P

2011-06-16, 18:16
still no sexy pics here i see :P

nobody promised any "sexy" pics.
But random pics of us together are now being uploaded!

2011-06-17, 18:57
Haha, some guy's might begin to search for a woman!
And get their own sexy pictures! ;D

2011-06-27, 10:58
Okay okay, last time I start my laptop before flying to greece.
Just wanted to wish everyone happy gaming the next 3 weeks.
And hopefully till after!

Dont forget to enjoy the weather neither! 8)

2011-07-03, 21:05
Greece is fucking EPIC!
Had a great first week, sunny weather and amazing beaches!

Tomorrow imma rent a QUAD and cross around the island for a bit.
For the people that are interested and want to see pics add me to facebook.
(or wait till I come back and ill post a few pics)

Have fun and good luck with the first few matches of the CUP!
Wish I was there to support!

2011-07-03, 21:18
Tomorrow imma rent a QUAD and cross around the island for a bit.

when I was there they drove on the highways with those things テつ*:lol:

2011-07-03, 23:57
Thanks for the update error.exe. Don't worry, we played against a clan called MIA and bent them over for a good seeing to. We won 4-0. Wasn't the tourny but to see which clan is active and which isn't.. so for practice 4 rounds we killed them.

2011-07-04, 16:07
@Hidde; Mate, crossing that Quad will be awesome. A highway tour is definitely on the menu!
With my girl on the back seat and with that little video camera we just purchased ill be getting live footage on youtube as well!

@Snake; thats great to hear! MIA is a pretty "famous" clan on the P4F forums so.. whooping them is great!
Perhaps one of you can record it with fraps and upload it.
I would LOVE to watch that first match here form my laptop. テつ*:D

2011-07-05, 01:03
We were thinking of live stream or something along those lines but then the majority thought that people would know our "tactics" and how we play so we decided against it.