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View Full Version : Team Roster

2011-05-29, 00:02
Hey guys, didn't want to fill the cup forum with more spam but i was wondering if and when we have to hand in our team roster, please reply quickly so i can go through it with my team


2011-05-29, 11:30
Between the teams are chosen and the cup start.
So you have enough time :)

2011-06-10, 18:04
when ever a competition happens i am totally down.

2011-06-10, 22:24
I want to be in Team Bravo, just because Bravo sounds so cool テつ*8)

2011-06-11, 16:38
I liek the red team, imma play red nao all life

heh just kidding- i expect we'll worry about rosters when the servers are released, cant have a cup with no one practising together as a team

2011-06-19, 19:23
Servers テつ*:P テつ*:P テつ*:P テつ*:P テつ*:P テつ*:P テつ*:P テつ*:P テつ*:P テつ*:P

2011-06-24, 20:26
Lets rock!

2011-07-13, 04:44
i I will be placed on any team you designate, テつ*Preferably assault seems to be the best choice for me

2011-07-13, 06:37
Assault or reckon, what ever it is not a problem.