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View Full Version : MW3 looks not that bad

2011-05-24, 10:41
I'm not a real call of duty player.
bud this looks nice i love to fight in city's :D


2011-05-24, 13:00
edited.. same vid..

2011-05-24, 20:07
Looks can be decieving remember videos are all in the marketing to get us to waste money on a poor game that the devs dont back and make us spend rediculous money on DLC in my view CoD has had its days and ill refuse to waste my money on it for the PC platform maybe for PS3 then yes but PC a no go zone! Enough said.

2011-05-24, 22:06
IMO, call of duty wins hands down on single player campaign, battlefield is only multiplayer intended so they will win that coz of frostbite 2 engine. Im just going to download this game once someone cracks it, play the sp campaign and sweep it under the carpet.

2011-05-25, 08:25
This video looks exactly the same as the black ops and MW2 video. Very flashy, exciting, good music but the game will be just the same as MW2 with new maps, weapons and vehicles. No real improvements - unless you can play on dedi servers!

On a plus its nice to have a fight in my own country for a change! London! :D

2011-05-25, 08:43
Cod= Nubtubes ,Screaming kids, no dedi-servers and too many snipers.

But still I like to play it sometimes.( on my 360 not on PC just dont do it.)

2011-05-25, 18:05
I'm going to call it right now and state MW3 will be like the last 2 (Oh and I believe Kotick has stated there will be a premium subscription of somekind in this one)

To be honest, Black Ops isn't "that" bad...I don't play online because funnily enough I HATE the kill streak rewards, I personally feel that they are pathetic, especially when it gets to the point of attack dogs and attack choppers...so I simply play singleplayer and combat training (I have no issues with using kill streak rewards on NPCs :P)

It will be "interesting" to see what happens and yes, I must admit, I haven't actually played many of the CoD series (reflex games are not my thing) but BLOPS is the first and last actual CoD I will buy

Battlefield on the other hand....BRING IT ON!