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View Full Version : Japanese scientist finds a way to convert plastic ..........

2011-05-23, 18:12
Found this the other day and I think he should be applauded and why we haven't came up with this sooner I honestly don't know. We have a 2 litre Golf TDI and the price at the pumps at the minute is astronomical, I honestly don't understand how governments and bussiness can think how the ordinary man in the street can continue as prices keep going up ......... I honestly think we do have a bunch of idiots in government here in the UK and in Northern Ireland here in particular they ALWAYS seem to be far behind the curve on everything!!!! Well here's to wee men in sheds, labs and backyards everywhere without free thinkers industry would be not in the place it is today!!!! ÂÂ*:lol: ÂÂ*:D ÂÂ*:wink:


2011-05-23, 21:33
If the first scientists didn't build the atom bomb but instead focused on making the earth a better place, i wonder what earth would be like today. ÂÂ*:roll: