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View Full Version : NEW MAP ON PTE!!!!

2011-05-20, 19:09
Go and check it out!



2011-05-20, 19:32

2011-05-21, 12:08
gona go chek this out

2011-05-21, 12:58



2011-05-21, 14:29
mm yea this map i tested, its like Sharqui,urban firefight,it had to be 2 maps with vehicles and 2 with noone
they beter implement new objectives other than capture flags,plant bomb at HQ or capture point and hold it for 5 min then advance etc etc

2011-05-21, 19:58
Don't like it. A barrier right dead center of the map, making flanking impossible as the opposite team will be guarding every entrance, the second you show your face, you're dead. Top half the map with Flags C and D are VERY close to the barrier, unlike Flags A and B, making it extremely difficult to capture.

Maybe just maybe if we the members of OG pull our shit together, this will not be a problem, we could rush in, capture and smoke out the enemy. Having said that, if we capture either top half, the enemy will have the bottom, bottom the enemy top.

Snipers have a good vantage point from Flag C scoping down at Flag B ramp. Medics have a huge advantage coz of their healing ability. Engineer class in this map is totally USELESS. Only weapons you can test are default weapons, and 1 day rewards, just that, 1 day only.

I don't see no upside to this except its very very easy to defend, very hard to capture.

Just my feedback of the new map.

2011-05-22, 07:21
Don't like it. A barrier right dead center of the map, making flanking impossible as the opposite team will be guarding every entrance, the second you show your face, you're dead. Top half the map with Flags C and D are VERY close to the barrier, unlike Flags A and B, making it extremely difficult to capture.

Maybe just maybe if we the members of OG pull our shit together, this will not be a problem, we could rush in, capture and smoke out the enemy. Having said that, if we capture either top half, the enemy will have the bottom, bottom the enemy top.

Snipers have a good vantage point from Flag C scoping down at Flag B ramp. Medics have a huge advantage coz of their healing ability. Engineer class in this map is totally USELESS. Only weapons you can test are default weapons, and 1 day rewards, just that, 1 day only.

I don't see no upside to this except its very very easy to defend, very hard to capture.

Just my feedback of the new map.
I second this, very god explanationhttp://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t118/Omu_2007/Onion%20smiley/onion_msn_smileys-15.gif

2011-05-22, 20:07
make a new account for new 1 day weapons, sucks to change a name tho

yeah its an MG map, not much love for shotgun recons or engis weaker mgs, medics and assault ++ on here, in pub play also snipers, great map for that, lots of cluttered eyelines, no idea where people are plotting up for the most part (but im not sure how effective non combat recon are going to be in clanplay)

tactics: ok so if C and D are easier to defend, with a cover on B, thats the gameplan, hold those 2, spread for B and defend the flanks- push for 4, fall back immediately to retake if C or D go down, does that make sense? do people defend here do you think? or is everyone gonna be rupert rambo? will clans have gameplans here even i wonder?

I come from a CTF background where we had defence players that never came out of the bases as well as an attack team, we had no squads then, the maps were smaller generally but we did use voice even right back when i started on 56k modems- here now its all about the flag control and nothing to do with frags, it feels like the old days of point control maps for me, will be interesting to see how clans manage the teams.

2011-05-22, 21:27
Ofcourse Stompy. Me and Vercetti where scribbling on a a free online website where you can upload B4F maps, mark at designated flag points and use different colors to suggest where to rush, defend etc etc.. Just need everyone to do this though.

2011-05-22, 22:52
awesome, but im betting its going to be just as hard as it ever was to get people to follow a gameplan :)

back then I used to try out different tactics with the clan, i even plotted flow charts of the maps, sad eh? lol, we practiced once a week so lots of chance to try set pieces- over a year and some i learned a lot, primarily i found you can have the best plan in the world but it wont make a winning team out of average players, its all about the player and plans and strategies dont count for much

however a team of good players with a very loose and easy to follow gameplan can be a tough force to stop

2011-05-22, 22:57
Sounds good, Im a thicky when it comes to charts, stats n stuff. We could have had a 8v8 game today but we lost out main man.

2011-05-22, 23:06
ah bugger sorry i couldnt help, just got in to relax and think about having a game

2011-05-24, 01:27
I want my vehicles, wtf! D:

2011-05-24, 16:42
Slightly more difficult to run around and defib people (so many shotguns to the face D: ) but still all round fun ^_^

2011-05-24, 22:35
how to play the new map?

2011-05-25, 15:12
There are ways to rush in ,from the 2 diferent entry points LEFT -RIGHT, テつ*THE MIDLE one remains as a テつ*suport fire and sniper shotout
The assault class has the smoke grenade in hand テつ*so it makes more eazier to conceal テつ*one crack unit for the rush tactic,team based on 2 asault 1 or 2 medics,snipers cover them by supresive fire and engineers also with the LMG
--1 entrance is テつ*on the left with stairs going down then after that it goes up or directly to B point,depending on what the rush team objective テつ*is,either kiling all or going directly to B
--2 entrance is from the right some cover there, but not much テつ*because it goes right on the road to A from RU team so it a risky テつ*road to take

2011-05-25, 21:26
exactly, theres only really 3 crossing points

so with a 16 player side, my first thought would be assign 2x 4 defender squads for the back two, who push forward to cover the 2 flanks and fight at the wall, and 2x 4 attack squads that rendezvous at the middle and take on whichever flag point the attack commander chooses at that moment

if one of the back 2 falls, the appropriate defending team falls back from the wall to recap- its simple, but the attack commander has to be aware of what the defence are doing, since if its a hard incoming assault the attack will need to spread mainly in the middle helping the defence till everyone can stabilise the defence and push forward

plan b would be to detach 2 from attack to bolster defence, but any more and it would end up a stalemate

overall the aim is to have 1 more point in flag control than they do at the end of the tickets (more is nice, but 999/1000 will do :) ) so if we can hold 2 all game and take a third for a second, thatll do :) テつ*There are other strategies, but having a defence of any size, even if killed by superior numbers, will give advanced warning of impending territory loss

anything like that should be better than a clan that has no plan (or cant execute one)