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View Full Version : The mouse story

2011-01-21, 17:09
After 4 years my old Logitech MX 1000 got a malfunction: The cursor suddenly "jumps" in upwards movements randomly few centimeters higher than the mouse moves. Very anoying when aiming for a HS! After this malfunction made me miss 4 hs and 5 vehicle kills (rocket straight in the air...:( ) in few rounds, it was time to buy a new one.

1st choice after 40 mins in 3 stores was a Microsoft SideWinder X8 Mouse (http://www.microsoft.com/germany/hardware/games/sidewinder-x8-mouse/default.mspx).

...if it was a horse, I would have killed it!
Much too few weight. The designer seems to never have heard about ergonomics. After few minutes usage I automaticly missed the LMB, trying to click RMB often resulted in a additional wheel scroll. "Forward" and "Back" buttons are so easy to click, that my thumb cant stay on them while moving. The whole behaviour in windows and ingame is very strange. Settings seems to differ in almost every application: If the settings fit ingame - they suck in the games menu or in normal windows environment. On dpi-resolutions above 3000 the mouse does rubberjumps on the screen. Even after 5 days and hours of setting-try-outs I cant get used to it and take it back to the store.

After a lil discussion we agreed, that I can return the sidewinder and take anotherone. So 2nd choice is:
Logitech Performance MX (http://www.logitech.com/de-de/mice-pointers/mice/devices/5845)
A lot of additional charging cables and adapter. (they even fit for my phone and mp3player). 100% ergonomic, pretty heavy in weight, well placed buttons for my large hand. Very good ÂÂ*and many adjustable settings for each button. Now I have a "copy - paste" button on the mouse. The wheel has 2 modes: "Locked" scrolls page by page/ row by row detailed. "free run" enables the wheel to turn unbraked and continue scrolling whitout further finger-triggers. Awesome webpage scrolling!
The speed and accerlation settings are very handy. And it is fitting global! Mouse accerlation is also avialable ingame. A very good feeling from start.

2011-01-21, 17:24
Is it pink? ÂÂ*8O

2011-01-21, 17:28
Is it orange?

2011-01-21, 17:59
stop trolling N00ter....it's a serious question if the mouse is pink!

2011-01-21, 18:12
no... simply black n grey - BUT with velvet buttons and a lil release of strawberry fragrence on every click!

2011-01-21, 18:20
It's no real epic gamingmouse if its not pink ÂÂ*8O

2011-01-22, 15:30
Hey Kitty,

Nice to read your experiences.
Last time i bought a new mouse i went for safety and bought myself my third mx518 which i really love!
Funny thing is i tried a logitech a little similair to yours (but one with a wire, for gaming i have always been told to get a wired mouse) and really really liked the ergonomics and overall feeling and was in a little bit of a dillema.
Only thing i didnt like was the scroll wheel which seemed very "loose"...
But now i read it is "free run"and can be changed!..
If only i knew earlier..
But i will take it into account for next time (i eat mouses.. ;) )
Thank you for the post and enjoy your new mouse!