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View Full Version : Total distraction in TS

2010-12-29, 20:07
So tonight we where on TS playing a diehard game of MoH.

Suddenly i hear the most sexy voice i have ever heard on TS in my life.

Lady says............I just came in to say Hello. Hello guys.

I was not able to keep my focus anymore on playing my game and winning this war. ツ*:?

I gatherd my intelligence and I now believe it was a plan by our enemy to send in one of theis sexy voiced spies to help them win the war. ツ*:!:

What happend to the days when warring was done fair ツ*:?:

2010-12-29, 20:26
Damn! How the hell have you found that out??

Ok sorry guys...I fail'd テつ*:roll:

2010-12-29, 20:39
LOL :D テつ*:D テつ*:D

2010-12-29, 20:48
LOL :D ツ*:D ツ*:D

dont you lol at me, this is serious bussiness. now they know our tactics, before you know it they will be flashing in all our good hiding spots.

you tell me, are you able to keep your eyes on the enemy if bikinibabes start running in front of you?

2010-12-29, 20:50
oh one good thing, at least i dont need my viagra tonight :roll:

2010-12-29, 21:01
What a voice can do テつ*:D

2010-12-29, 21:08
oh one good thing, at least i dont need my viagra tonight :roll:

i should switch to another business テつ*8O

2010-12-29, 21:23
droooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010-12-29, 21:32
looks intresting, can u guys テつ*tell me do i need the CD to play MoH with u guys or can i download a cracked copy?

2010-12-29, 21:46
U need a DVD テつ*:wink: テつ*Or download with steam.. :wink:

2010-12-29, 21:46
you really need a key, and the official dic and such.
However the disc can be downloaded and after that mounted but you need a key to link it to your EA(?!) account.
You must buy it to go online with OG

2010-12-29, 21:50
ok thanks for the info

2010-12-29, 22:32

2011-01-03, 04:33
Lenna and you say i'm dirty :O:O your flirting with other man :P

2011-01-03, 11:44
Lenna and you say i'm dirty :O:O your flirting with other man :P

Nah, she's not dirty at all. At least not in my perspective. テつ* 8)

Flirting may involve speaking and behaving in a way that suggests greater intimacy than is generally considered appropriate to the relationship or the period that they have known each other, without actually saying or doing anything that breaches any serious social norms. This may be accomplished by communicating a sense of playfulness or irony. Double entendres, with one meaning more formally appropriate and another more suggestive, may be used.

2011-01-03, 18:34
I just said "hello"
Is that already flirting for u Rick? テつ*8O

2011-01-03, 19:07
nuwbs, alot of things to learn yet about women you guys.

2011-01-04, 04:39
Uhh yes? :$ you see lytzo is already distracted by you :D

2011-01-04, 11:50
Lena is nearly doing everything for money ツ*:wink:
just ask me i will manage it for u 8)
and remmeber: deutsch ist geil

2011-01-04, 13:28
-.o nuwbs

2011-01-04, 13:34
Seems like its time to travel to Frankfurt to kick some ass.... :evil:

2011-01-04, 13:50
Thats were im living. btw im always gaming under the window in the middel of the three.
Click Here (http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=de&geocode=&q=Wielandstra%C3%9Fe+57,+Frankfurt+am+Main&sll=51.151786,10.415039&sspn=16.956947,41.088867&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Wielandstra%C3%9Fe+57,+Frankfurt+60318+Frank furt+am+Main,+Hessen&ll=50.124333,8.686986&spn=0.0003,0.000725&t=h&z=21)

2011-01-04, 15:41
You see Lena? Even at Moritz house is street view, pfft you sure live in the middle of nowhere.

2011-01-04, 15:56
Too much hate テつ*:cry:

2011-01-04, 16:29
I have to work tomorrow again :(

2011-01-04, 16:39
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay テつ*:D

2011-01-04, 20:18
im starting to think i shouldnt have started this topic テつ*:cry:

2011-01-05, 07:47
Nah they can handle the truth

2011-01-05, 14:56
HardestNoob & Mathes ツ*is just to young to understand what life is all about Lena.
Dont worry about it.

For HardestNoob & Mathes you two shuld be a shame.
This is no way to treat a lady!!!! テつ*:evil:
You two have much to learn in the way how to be a gentleman テつ*:wink:

For Lytzo you started this topic with a good mind. And I like`d the topic.
Lots of fun and a good way to bring the groups together. テつ*:D

2011-01-05, 15:29
Seems like Flugger is the real gentleman of the OGs ツ*:wink:

2011-01-05, 15:32
For HardestNoob & Mathes you two shuld be a shame.
This is no way to treat a lady!!!! ツ*:evil:
You two have much to learn in the way how to be a gentleman ツ*:wink:

Thanks for the advice XD
btw i just love to QQ with Lena

2011-01-05, 15:51

2011-01-05, 16:31
QQ more :lol:

2011-01-05, 16:47
Seems like Flugger is the real gentleman of the OGs ツ*:wink:

my sincere apologies Lena, i had no bad intentions with this topic. Nor did i ever wish to discredit you or give you a bad rep.

2011-01-05, 18:02
Guys, were OG's lets stop all this non sence , everyone happy! : )

2011-01-05, 18:44
I'm happy :)
I love to QQ with Moritz
I love to be mean to Mathes
I love to say "hello" to the really old guys of MoH

2011-01-05, 18:53
I'm happy :)
I love to QQ with Moritz
I love to be mean to Mathes
I love to say "hello" to the really old guys of MoH

I`m happy if you are happy. テつ*:D
And yeah I love it to when you drop by us really old guys and say hello テつ*:D

2011-01-05, 19:10
Seems like Flugger is the real gentleman of the OGs ツ*:wink:

Well a real gentleman has a name wich makes sence. 'Flugger?'
Bubba, thats more like it ; )!

Guys just stfu, all these replies make no sence whatsoever.
this became a trolling topic, wich I frankly like actually!

2011-01-05, 19:25
Don't destroy my topic Bubba! テつ*:twisted:

2011-01-05, 19:58
Lena, I will Enyhilate, Exterminate and PWN u!

Niet bijten ; )

2011-01-05, 20:10
Lytzo?.. I think you and me are to old to get whats going on here テつ*:lol:
We are of the old kind gentlemens テつ* :wink:
Lets stay with what we can do... hmm... what was that again... oh.. yeah...
Play the MOH and stay on TS... hey thats 2 things we can do.. テつ* :lol:

2011-01-05, 21:24
haha 2 things,
I guess I can't beat u on that one flugger ; )

2011-01-05, 21:55
As far as I know Lytzo can't even play and talk at the same time テつ*:D

2011-01-06, 20:31
As far as I know Lytzo can't even play and talk at the same time ツ*:D

i told i was a fast learner :wink: