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View Full Version : New Call of Duty Black Ops #112 from kRc6660

2010-12-08, 22:02
You have a new Call of Duty Black Ops
From User kRc6660

Question: Nickname
Response: Mr. kRc ?

Question: X-Fire

Question: Steam ID
Response: krc6660

Question: Real Name
Response: Romas

Question: Date of birth DDMMYYYY
Response: 1992-02-26

Question: Country
Response: Lithuania

Question: City
Response: Vilnius

Question: Do you have a working headset?
Response: Yes

Question: Previous Clans
Response: The 22nd SAS clan

Question: Do you know members of our clan?
Response: No

Question: Willing to pay the membership fee?
Response: Maybe

Question: Which Gamemode do you prefer?
Any mode is fun for me, from Hard core to Deathmatch. In COD S&D is my favorite. In Battlefield Bad Company 2 Rush

Question: Why would you like to join us?
Because I'm done playing with Pub games, I would like to join for a laugh, competivie gaming and you seem to be just the right place for me, since i've got both Black Ops and Battelfied Bad Company 2 with Vietnam Pre-ordered. :) My Battlefield experiences go back to 2142 which i really enjoyed to play and have played with 22nd SAS clan which was hell a lot of fun. In my opinion Battlefield is a really team game, and to get the most fun from that product i would like to join the clan, and you guys seem jus the warm right place to be. I've seen that you all speak english, i've played with you a couple of times on COD server and i would like to join you guys. Got MIC TS everything you need. The only that i am not willing to get is xfire. But i use steam all the time for all my game son my current PC. Hope you will be in need of me as I am in need of you.
Best regards,

2010-12-08, 22:19
Xfire is not needed.
Welcome! Come on TS whenever you are gaming, can we will have a chat soon, where I will give you a proper introduction.

2010-12-09, 01:20

2010-12-09, 08:11
Welcome m8 finally some cod players WOEEEEHOEEEEEE ÂÂ*:lol: ÂÂ*:lol: