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View Full Version : League of Legends: i want to play it with OG

2010-11-24, 16:51

I'm an old 9G'er who played BFH and i recently joined OG.
I quit 9G because the staff there wouldn't let me play LoL with other ranked.
Now my question to all of OG! Is it possible to make a sort of division or i don't know how you guys call it for league of legends. (LoL = league of legends) OG Smunt said to me quite a lot of OG'ers play LoL already, i hope on the EU servers.
If a moderator could reply on my email: lode24@hotmail.com if some guys would like to play actively LoL,
since i won't be an active member on OG till there is or isn't going to be a LoL part. Else i'll probably start to search for another clan or join you guys in about a year to play BFBC2.

i hope this does any good and get's more reponse then my asking in person on TS

Cya later :p (maybe)

2010-11-24, 16:56
I also played LOL but I will not start it with Clanwars or something i would just play it a bit for fun.

2010-11-24, 19:48

I play LoL alot aswell with some friends in Skype
But i don't think it's a good idea to make a section or group for it
I think it's better to join the 'other games' channel in TS with another OG member to play it together

Greetings, Ducky

2010-11-24, 20:00
Okay :p i'll play in other games for ever then :p
I hope u guys will join me once :p