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View Full Version : Please review the game buyers

2010-11-09, 08:02
Can everybody who bought the game review it for me and maybe others who are still not convinced by all the comotion call of duty brought with it.

Would be awsome if everybody who has it help the other to get the game so we can play together

greetz Herpis / app3l

2010-11-09, 08:05
I will try to do it, as soon as the postman have been here

2010-11-09, 08:31
I will receive it this morning, but I will be home at around 18.00, install, patch, eat, hug the girlfriend, but then I will play it テつ*8)

2010-11-09, 08:33
Yes, i will say what i think also after playing it, but i cannot give you any big yes or no before gaming it for a while, considering the anti cheat systems.

2010-11-09, 08:39
Thats fair kimmen. Hope to テつ*see your reviews cause i'm still a major cod fan.

But mw2 was a major killer for me. So i hope this will be 10 times better then mw2.

2010-11-09, 09:04
I was at the midnight launch for my son. I paid テつ」27-97 for the ps3 version at sainsburys,

My PC verssion should arrive today

2010-11-09, 10:21
Good idea Appel! I hope it's a good game! ;)


2010-11-09, 16:33
Well here's the first comment.
For now it looks good..... There is only 1 problem. It lags like hell. The forums are full with it. It is unplayable. For some people it doesn't lag. テつ*Seems like treyarch is working on a patch.
I read, that the same happened to MW2 when it was released.
I also heard people at work who had problems with their product keys. That's something I had with a few battlefield games.

We'll wait.

2010-11-09, 19:30
Multiplayer part could not suck more !

When i try to join game, it loads, then freeze. Can't find my own server. Steam is eating up my Internet, making me not able to browse internet for the next 3 minutes or so, after closing steam. Serverbrowser takes forever to load 18 servers out of 500 on Free for all mode. The rcon tool that came with steam, only worked once, now i get only errors.


2010-11-09, 19:42
Rcon is up and running, COD is updating....

2010-11-09, 21:45
Updating?? Nothing has happen here yet テつ*:evil:

2010-11-09, 21:50
At least you can install it, I have the DVD and it downloads from the internet

2010-11-09, 22:14
Well, same here. I have put the CD in, and it has to update frikking 8GB @ super slow kb/s......
Already waiting 3 hours now ffs.

2010-11-09, 23:25
I played it :)
Very nice nice nice game!
The COSTU thing is nice :)

2010-11-10, 09:17
So for now game sucks ass?

Awsome my predictions and those of six are right then :D:D
Hope they will fix the lag and the server loading then i will buy it

2010-11-10, 09:32
My son loves it on PS3 no lag

2010-11-10, 09:56
The new call of duty is really great.
Many new specials, like split screen online and stuff.
Also the new zombie mode is awesome,
And if I ware u I would only get black ops just for the awsome toy car perk,
wich u can drive arround to blow other peeps up haha x)

I rly recomment it to all of u, but yeah its up to you.
It's youre money.

Greetz Bubba

2010-11-10, 09:57
I played it yesterday whole night and NOOO lag.
So for me the game is OK ;)
And I don't even have an UBER UBER pc

2010-11-10, 10:43
My son is also playing BO without lag on ps3 テつ*:D

2010-11-10, 11:08
Yeah, the consoles have no problem. Some of my work colleagues already started the first prestige (XboX 360). The highest rank is 50. It seems that if you prestige 15 times, you get extra goodies.

2010-11-10, 16:00
Multiplayer part could not suck more !

When i try to join game, it loads, then freeze. Can't find my own server. Steam is eating up my Internet, making me not able to browse internet for the next 3 minutes or so, after closing steam. Serverbrowser takes forever to load 18 servers out of 500 on Free for all mode. The rcon tool that came with steam, only worked once, now i get only errors.

What processor do u have ?
Cuz i want BO and a new pc so i know what i need to buy (not) to play without lagg etc..

2010-11-10, 16:10
I have Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 960 @ 3.20GHz.

2010-11-10, 16:37
Played 2 rounds of CTF yesterday, no problems at all. Even got a KDR >1 :-)

2010-11-10, 17:01
Tried to play co-op zombie mode with Champ. But the game cannot connect to lobby. So its another dead end.

2010-11-10, 17:40
i got no problems @ all.

The only thing that pisses me off is that you cant join stem friends :(

2010-11-10, 23:27
I have finally got to play it.

These are my opinions only, I am a fan of COD, MOH and BF so can judge in my own way.

Some will not agree with me, so be it, each to their own.

Graphics are years old, it doesn't deter from gameplay, but after playing MOH, you would want graphics at least the same.
I play with the same settings on both games, so MOH easily outshines COD BO by loads. Player animations are rubbish compared with MOH


MOH Graphics 10
COD Graphics 6

Gun Sounds:

COD is like playing with a cheap toy gun you get from the Pound(euro) shop, they just don't sound like guns at all, I may be wrong, but the MOH guns sound so much better.

MOH Sounds 10
COD sounds 5


COD is just a run around fast as you can and kill as best you can, it doesnt even do that good, lag, bad hit markers, and very poor テつ*animations.
MOH you have to use cover and can have a great game sneaking around.


MOH 8 (needs more maps)

This isn't an amazing post as the proof is in the playing, I played some rounds of COD and was bored after 20 minutes. THen I fired up MOH and at once the expieriance blew me away in comparison. Better sounds, graphics, animations, gameplay and even map design.

I have COD if there are any OG only games going on, otherwise I will be found on MOH servers actually enjoying the game.
I have BF vietnam on order and will get BF3, for for quick fun and great play, MOH wins the day.

2010-11-10, 23:37
I agree with your post bowtome, but untill now, COD is a nice frag game with the hk5 :-)

2010-11-11, 01:08
In my opinion I like MOH also more. But COD will be fixed ;) Alot of things needs to be done. If I look on my xfire you see alot of players playing. So I think there will be a community for it!

2010-11-11, 02:12

2010-11-11, 07:45
Well for starters you dont need a major upgrade simon. When you can run mw2 without problems this will do awsome to.
The lag is with the game not your computer. I ran mw2 on a dual core 2.6 on highest and still got fps of 125.

Dfx you see alot of guys gaming cod on your xfire cause we only have cod players. They are loyal to the call of duty serie.

Bowtome i agree on your graphics issue. But thats not what cod stands for. Graphics on cod always sucked more then on other games like the battlefield series
This game has alot of problems cause of the to early release. They wanted yo compete with moh and battlefield. And they failed on that. .. .

Still if you like arcade boxed map shooters call of duty is your game. If you are more of the teamplay and stealth your choice is moh of battlefield.
I asked alot of old clanmates and people i played with what there opinion was. And regarding lag and screenfreezing its an awsome game what needs a few patches to run fully.

So for those who hate it already be patient. moh sucked ass to with the overkil snipers and still everybody playes it.

So think about what kind of player you are, before you even consider to buy any game.

Greetz app3l

2010-11-11, 08:09
So think about what kind of player you are, before you even consider to buy any game.

Amen to that !
That was my thinking yesterday, spot on!

2010-11-11, 08:34
Thats what everybody has to reconcider.
When your not a cod fan you are not liking the game as simple as that

2010-11-11, 12:32
I am a COD fan, loved 2, loved MW and MW2

2010-11-11, 12:46

2010-11-11, 15:23
Hello App3l

I played the singleplayer and it has a good storyline and the graphics are beautiful, personally i find it better then the singleplayer of MW2. I am also playing the multiplayer at the moment and for my standards it plays well .. much better then MW2 where i couldn't find my way .. the maps are oke' and i think there are a lot of posabilities to make a choice of what sort of game you want to play .. Team Deatmatch, Demolition .. etc. etc.


2010-11-12, 06:48
Idd janbo there are alot of gametypes to do. It will be for every1 something else.

Stalker i reached lvl 25 in 4 hours game is easy to play. normal scores for me are 20 + with like 4/5 deaths.

Love the quick action and the guns handle very well. By my suprise it is better then i used to think.

Stalker gaming this way in your laptop sucks ass. Its fine for bfh but when you have a desktop to your disposal your skills will grow with 100 procent. cod doest ask that mutch of your pc and there alot of commands to get your fps and ping lower. Less lag commands and better aiming. Its not scripting you just have to know them.

A short list :

/cl_drawfps 1 to show what your current fps is ( settings sync every frame off it will kill your fps )
/cg _maxfps 125 or 333 but thats hard to get.
/com_maxpackets 60 ( dont know if it works yet ) standard is 100 i guess. its how many timesyour sending to server
/snaps 40 ( dont know if it works yet ) テつ*better leaning you see them faster as they see you

I repeat this is not cheating just for people who's pc's arent that good.
updates will come

2010-11-12, 08:02
Update already out. I started my steam again yesterday and it started with an update. Leveling goes better now Rick. Stupid I forgot to put my killstreaks on in beginning. ZOMG EPIC FAIL :D


Btw OFF TOPIC: Don't join another comp in OSM! I'm on work now, but when I'm home I will create a new competetion. Send me in PM what you wants. Arjan was thinking about GERMANY OR FRANCE

2010-11-12, 08:11
Dfx noob with your killstreaks. its awsome to have rolling thunder and trow it on there spawn.

rolling thunder is carpet bomber :D:D:D

2010-11-12, 10:53
Thaha :D

Pfff i have to work till 17u30 , so NO black ops for me today or it will be tonight :p

2010-11-12, 11:30
Ofc tonight all night long baby

2010-11-12, 11:55

2010-11-12, 12:23
The problem seems to be in the programming. The CPU does more work than the graphic card.

2010-11-18, 12:06
I playered the singleplayercampaign and can say that the story is very good. But on many scenarios the scripting of the game is very bad. In several situations it is just a matter of triying out differnt ways.

The game uses much resources of CPU that could be done by the graficscard.