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View Full Version : Music game - Every sunday, for those who want to!

2010-06-14, 11:08
Hey guys!

As some of you know, i've been in RSAS earlier.
Sometimes our teamspeak adress was fucked up and we could'nt practice, so we made a music game :)

It's a great game.. Especially when we're from so many countries ÂÂ*:D

I just make an example of the game with me, Vercetti and Six:

I start. I find a DANISH song to them on youtube and send them the link. I've listened to it by my self before, so i choose 0:15 - 0:40 .. That is the seconds they have to listen from. The guys who are listening have to write exactly what they hear. Not try to translate it, but write what they hear.
- Then when everyone is ready i start with saying "Six, you start.. Because.. You love dogtags ÂÂ*:P " - Then he starts and send his text (what he think it is) - Of course it's totally wrong. We get a big laugh of that and then Frank send his part. It's also totally wrong, we laugh again and i say that the winner is ***** ÂÂ*:D

Then it's Six' turn and he find a song from Netherlands and so on.. It's really funny :)

I hope you all will participate in the game, just try it out. It starts here on sunday on teamspeak, i dunno what time yet. We will see that :)

I will make the game every sunday and of course i hope to see some from finnish, dutch, french and norwegian guys ÂÂ*:D


// Bayliss.

2010-06-15, 15:43
It sucks nobody have answered.. It's a really good game ÂÂ*:D

2010-06-15, 16:08
well... start. Gimme a song, And I will write down what I hear in it :-)

2010-06-17, 14:01
I will:


- It's from 0:21 - 0:51 - k ? :)
Write what you hear, remember, there's also "æ" "ø" and "Ã¥"s ÂÂ*:D

2010-06-17, 14:42
Siste år, så sent som igår for første gang i 14 år danser vi en sjelden dans det er sjovt så tiden går.
Vi heter Mogens, vi heter karen, vi bur lenger nede i veien, dej har vi aldri fået hilst på du kunne nemt, du kunne nemd, du kunne let komme for tett på.

This is what i hear, only i typed in Norwegian, i dunno how to spell danish ÂÂ*:) Hope its ok, i guess you can asnwer if i am correct or not.

2010-06-17, 14:55
Allright, next is this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX9Hb_kujgQ

From 0:36 to 0:59

loool, good luck !

2010-06-17, 15:41
God, this is like impossible.....

Forè pa storestraum a stende um kel polity (police?? :-))
Ope te le ge de tske lutansen kjemmistein
pon pa skomedal lede auto pat té 100-ei
un ei Påskerally på riksveg nr. 9 :-)

You owe me! So now, do this one:


1:36 - 2:05 (first 20 seconds are like.... repeating itself(easy))