View Full Version : About us

2010-06-07, 11:17
Should we must create a subject/a bouton on the site to speak about the team: date of the creation of old guys, leaders, what we hope to do ...
I think it's not a bad idear, what is your impression about this ?
We can probably have more sponsors i think too

2010-06-07, 11:20

2010-06-07, 12:42
this site is perfect i don't say anything more now ^^

2010-06-07, 13:23
Hehe. Well, we had a discussion regarding this last weekend. We need to make this stuff more easy to find for the people. So you are right there!

2010-06-08, 10:19
Yeah, an automatic opening right click menu which says 'Ohhhahhh let me dig in your mind, you want to reach.... the infos on Rad Rage!!' The question is whether such module can be created ÂÂ*:)


BTW, that History page was frequently linked-in by Vercetti in the Join Us! forum topics, thumbs up. And nowadays I noticed it in the Super-Automatic Joining System. I mean, Automatic Joining Super System...


2010-06-08, 13:51
Omg that old clip takes me back many years. Its's from the old warriors movie just before the guy, Cyrus gets shot.