View Full Version : [BF3] General
- Some info from Upcoming BF 3
- Battlefield 3
- Unofficial BF 3 minimun requirements
- BF 3 Fault line episode I
- looking good BF 3 Fault Line Episode II
- Possible release date?
- Mods coming for BF3?
- 12min trailer
- Real or fake?
- Battlefield 3 Pre-Orders going well
- Hey new recurit just applied this morning curious u guys...
- Ready up for BF3 and revive BF2!
- Some info about Battlefield 3: back to karkand map pack
- Battlefield 3 more interesting info in a vid (PWNED #7)
- Funny bc3 movie
- Livestream of Battlefield 3, Tuesday 7th at 1PM
- Battlefield 3:Operation Metro Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer
- BF3 life gameplay footage
- BF3 multiplayer review/demo @ E3 - Report Day1
- Battlefield 3 - Multiplayer Gameplay Analysis
- Q&A Battlefield Expansion pack / extra maps
- Battlefield 3 Beta download!?
- The Four multi-player classes explained!
- Scans PSN magazine
- BF3 demo recap!
- Maplayout metro rushmode
- Battlefield 3 expansion packs
- Battlefield 3 Community Day 2011 in Colone
- BF3 speed drawing
- new ? or More BF3 clips from youtube :)
- More info on BF3!
- Battlefield 3 Multiplayer LAN E3 2011
- First pic's from battlelog!
- Very interresting video!!
- Ingame pic's leaked from alfa test's
- Monty Python Voice Over Bashes MW3 for being Bad game
- Potential BF3 System Specs
- Alfa Gameplay video's
- BF3 stats page already online!
- Recruitment for BF3
- Official annauncement from ea and DICE about the alpha test!
- Today there will be a new wave of invites!
- Difference between cod and battlefield player!!
- Battlefield 3 Alpha: The Hidden Details!
- 10 years of battlefield!!
- Personal dogtags
- Alpha / Beta Gameplay Pictures
- Detailing pre-order items for Battlefield 3
- BF3 price
- BF3 spectact kits!!
- Preordering or going to preorder BF 3?
- Years worth of unlocks and rewards in Battlefield 3
- Battlefield 3 and Gamescom
- Battlefield 3 scoring
- Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Fact Sheet
- Server Pre-order
- Live chat with DICE
- Battlefield 3 Confirmed Commo Rose is in
- more stuff has been confirmed!!
- About system requirements BF 3 alpha benchmarking
- Looking for professional writers -
- Jetfight filmed @ gamescom
- Battlefield 3 Fact Sheets
- Battlefield 3 Fact Sheets
- Battlefield 3 Sound Design - Interview with Stefan Strandber
- Competition: BF 3 banner -finished competition
- Battlefield 3 server info
- DirectX 11 Rendering in Battlefield 3
- EA's Origin is basically spyware, with no opt-out.
- Battlelog back online!
- Panzer´s new team created.
- BF 3 voting about 2nd and 3rd place
- Battlefield 3 will not have an in-game serverbrowser
- BF3 caspian border trailer with never shown footage
- Performance test
- BF3 BETA Codes
- Battlefield 3 Community Day
- Beta date!!
- New gamemode announced!!
- Battlefield 3 Physical Warfare Pack Gameplay Trailer
- The best solution for BF3
- DICE: It takes 100 hours to complete a kit in BF 3
- DICE: It takes 100 hours to complete a kit in BF 3
- DICE: It takes 100 hours to complete a kit in BF 3
- Battlelog will be back this friday
- Will this be the beta map? and date?
- Is this a movie about Battlefield 3 ?
- If anyone is interested in upgrading their AMD rig for BF3..
- Battlefield 3 Beta Running on Xbox 360
- New movie's and pic's leaked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Practice Server For Planes, Helo's etc...
- Battlefield 3 beta is ready, waiting for approval
- sony playstation magazine high resolution scans!
- BF3 PreBuild?
- 16-09-2011 Guillotine??
- More info about BF 3 gamemodes
- Battlefield 3 beta coming in October
- Dead Space 2 for free if you preordered BF 3 from Origin
- Battlefield 3 SPECACT Kit + Dog Tag Pack €3,99
- [url][/url]
- Beta starts 29 september!!!
- Tournament
- Battlelog is now online!!
- Back to Karkand pack first to Sony
- Some extra BF 3 BETA info
- Battlefield 3 Jay-Z 99 Problems Gameplay full length!!
- Battlefield 3 Weapons
- Battlefield 3 Weapons
- Origin names for BF3
- New released caspian border gameplay footage!!
- Release Nvidia driver for battlefield 3
- Battlefield 3 Squad Leaders can call in Artillery Strikes
- Battlefield 3 Squad Leaders can call in Artillery Strikes
- Battlefield 3 Squad Leaders can call in Artillery Strikes
- Beta start 27-9-2011 14:00 PM CET
- First beta gameplay on PC YouTube
- BF3 unlocks
- Check all the new beta pictures!
- AMD ati hotfix for battlefield 3 11.10
- Caspian Border
- Feelings and feedbakcs
- Official DICE store just went beta
- Battlefield 3 Beta Montage!!
- BF3 clan tag
- StorhaugJon who ?
- Sollution for disconnects
- Battlefield 3 PC vs PS3
- Reason for not been on TS3
- Caspian Border no more
- BF 3 coming fixes
- Caspian Border back once again!
- Official beta invite movie!!
- How to check your framerate, settings ingame without fraps
- All ribbons that will be in the final game in HQ
- no suqd support inagme in bf3
- Battlefield 3 Beta client update!
- Hacked servers
- Teamplay at OG Clan
- Not only movie what people make, but also songs
- BF 3 beta is truly only beta
- Bf3 Clip by Ezi3
- BF3 is getting in-game squad management after all
- BF3 Map layout Metro
- Caspian Border will be online the whole weekend for everyone
- BF3 Single player high resolution pictures!!!
- BF3 beta, top 10 problems and answers
- AMD/ATI releases new 11.10 preview 2 driver!!!!!
- Pixel Enemy Kill or be killed BF3 Montage
- BF3 Youtube Clips
- 2 new gameplay movies with 2 new maps!
- BF3 Montage | By WhiteMoose!
- BF3 video, more coming
- BF3 Daytage | second video by WhiteMoose!
- Battlefield 3 achievements
- Beta is over, 2 weeks of hardcore BC2 ahead
- Headshot
- Battlefield 3 beta final conclusions
- BF 3 maps
- The real destuction in BF3
- No Battlerecorder at launch and only one soldier per account
- Friend?! - BF3 OCE by me
- Bf3 IRL!!!! :D:D:D:D
- panzer is going on DHW
- 10 Days...
- BF3 preloading
- Nvidia Lan event on USS Hornet
- BF3 squad management!! and fps ingame!
- bf3 PC Graphical Options Revealed
- BF3 beta statistics
- Caveman is gonna rob a bank today
- Chopper caspian border
- More fact's about the multiplayer!
- Origin preorder release is on 25/10
- Day 1 patch confirmed
- New multiplayer footage 19/10/11
- Gamestop TV spot
- A nice BF3 Montage!
- How to change your BF3/Origin name.
- AMD releases 11.10 preview v3 driver for BF3 release
- Do you want your name to end credits in Back to Karkand pack
- Preloading has begun!
- EA Gun Club
- Battlelog back online!
- Official launch trailer *new*
- The original BF3 user manual
- Battlefield 4 ? 8O
- What happens to campers, check this music video :)
- How are you creating your montages and other cool vids?
- Battlefield 3 Damavad Peak basejump
- Server Settings, unranked mode not available at launch
- all 256 dogtags in BF3
- Battlefield 3 official tv commercial
- Google
- Ahhhhh now thats better
- Battlefield 3 statistic
- Battlefield 3 Simulator (17 minutes)
- Alienware dogtag giveaway!!!!!
- How to change in-game language
- Dr Pepper BF3 items.
- PC Died :(
- Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand Coming December + 6 New Scree
- What would the ideal customization menu look like.
- Maps that are esp laggy
- What is your favourite conquest map so far?
- Jet Tutorial
- Server page does not exist?
- R6 server update!
- BF3 OG Avatar
- Co-op: How to score fast (unlock the multiplayer weapons)
- Stats tracker for bf3
- Tips and Tricks | v0.2 | by WhiteMoose
- Sound problem
- stand-alone server browser
- Gameserver Updates
- Free Act of Valor Dog Tags watching a trailer
- Noob here
- Official Back to karkand trailer
- A Comprehensive Guide to Damaging Tanks
- BF3 Mythbusters!
- BF3 Weapons / items spreadsheet.
- The Beginning | a BF3 montage | by WhiteMoose
- Battlefield 3 motivates animal abuse
- Battlefield 3 - Explosive Carnage
- The IRNV scope Debate
- Recon Training
- DICE: "No Plans for Reserved Slots"
- (Photoshopped) Customization/Squad Menu
- 285.79 BETA released today!
- NVIDIA 285.79 BETA released today!
- Wake island exclusive footage!!
- Gun's explanation BF3
- whats up guys?
- Don't feed the trolls
- Seriously?
- BF3 Funny Movies
- 6 DEC will be a new day for BF3 with a 2 GB patch
- Pleas make the TDM 200 kills
- Frag Rounds for shotgun
- Server 2 Map Rotation
- Battlefield Top10 Plays.
- Battlefield 3 Tweaks and Tips
- I got on TheHazardCinema's top10 aswell (same clip)
- Funny pilot takes out enemy from behind
- I got on PixelEnemy aswell, with another clip.
- Jihad Jeep Montage :D
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